Cast Iron Skillet Peanut Brittle Recipe

This recipe has been used by my family for over 40 years. I’m so glad that my stepmom shared her uncle’s recipe with me. I think It is Amazing!! Crispy and delicious, it melts in your mouth. And, only 5 ingredients!

Just peanuts, sugar, corn syrup, salt, and baking soda.  The real secret though is using a cast iron skillet and a wooden spoon. 

I make quite a few batches every Christmas. It’s not difficult, takes no “stretching” of the brittle, and takes less than 15 minutes from start to finish.


1 C. white sugar

1 C. karo syrup

1-½ C. raw peanuts (Must be RAW peanuts — available in bulk food stores)

¾ tsp. salt

1-½ tsp. baking soda

10” cast iron skillet

Wooden spoon
Hot pad for skillet handle

Greased cookie sheet or pizza pan
Scrubber for skillet

Have your ingredients and tools set and ready – the process moves quickly once you start!

IMPORTANT – Before you start:

— Measure out the soda, and keep it on standby.

— Have a greased cookie sheet or pizza pan nearby on a hot pad.

— Make sure an empty kitchen sink is available or you will have scorched brittle in your skillet.

— Don’t forget a hot pad for the skillet handle so you can grab it quickly!


  1. Put all ingredients except soda into the skillet and turn the stove on high (for gas) or med-high (for electric).
  2. Stir occasionally as the ingredients begin heating up. Stir more often as it begins boiling. 

3.  The brittle is nearing completion and ready for the soda when you notice these things: the color is turning amber, the peanuts begin splitting, and you can smell the roasting peanuts. (On my stepmoms gas stove, it takes exactly twelve minutes and on my electric stove, it takes 15 minutes.)

4.   Almost ready to add the soda.

5.  Turn off the heat, add the soda, and stir rapidly, but not for long.  The brittle will foam up nicely.

6.  Soda added and stirred in (all foamy).

7.  Immediately, before it scorches, dump it onto the cookie sheet and let it spread out and settle down on its own.

8.  Poured out onto greased cookie sheet.

9.  Put the skillet in the sink and fill it with hot water.  The heat from the skillet and the hot water will very rapidly melt off the remaining brittle.  Use a scrubber to easily finish cleaning it up, and you are ready for the next batch.

10. Skillet in sink, adding hot water. The remnants of candy melt off almost immediately. Very little scrubbing needed.

11.  Let the brittle cool.  Turn the whole “cake” upside down on the cookie sheet, and crack it with the handle of a butter knife.

12.  Enjoy!!

Starting some Christmas gifts...

For as long as I can remember, I've always loved to give homemade gifts at Christmas. I enjoy thinking of my loved ones as I make up gifts. And I honestly dislike all the commercialism nowadays. I really think these Finishing Salts are going to be great gifts. I've used lots of the different blends in my cooking to test them out. They are super easy to make up. This is one of my favorites!
Basil Infused Herbal Finishing Salt 
Makes 1/2 Cup
7 T Pink Himalayan Coarse Salt
1 T Dried Basil Leaves
6 Drops Young Living Basil Vitality Oil-only Young Living Vitality Oils are FDA approved for culinary use.

1.   In a small glass bowl, using a whisk mix all ingredients together. 
2.   Spread out on a plate to dry for 30 minutes.
3.   Jar up in container of your choice. I use half pint canning jars. Label and tie a ribbon around jar.

Suggested uses  
Use when making pasta sauces or my favorite way is to sprinkle on thick slices of tomatoes, with cracked pepper, drizzled with my Basil Infused Olive Oil, top with a little shredded mozzarella and pop under the broiler for a minute until cheese melts. Then the ultimate finale is to drizzle Balsamic Glaze over each slice. Yummy!

If you enjoyed this recipe, you might like to know that, I'm about to release my e-book on Finishing Salts. I just waiting on the proof-reader to finish up. Check back in next week!

I wish my Grandparents were still here with me, but now I’m the Grandma!

I wish my Grandparents were still here with me, but now I’m the Grandma!

Do you have a backache? Or maybe a migraine? I feel for you, because I did too almost every day! Some days my back would just ache, other days I was unable to move without assistance. I’ve been avoiding back surgery for the last 25+ years. Life has been very rough at times. Excruciating pain, like a hot railroad spike being hammered into my lower spine, pain shooting down my leg like electrical current shockwaves. My bad back has now gifted me with 2 places on my body where I have lost the sensation of feeling/touch. My back problems also cause me to have disabling migraines frequently. 

I have taken ALL the painkillers, prescription and over the counter. I have done the exercises, physical therapy, massage, ice and heat therapy. I have had the injections for pain, into my spine. I even tried drinking the pain away~Note to self~That doesn’t work!! But that’s a whole other story~Stay tuned. Everything helps for awhile but it’s all temporary relief and it is expensive!! Especially when you are using multiple therapies several times a day. 

I found that many of the health issues I faced were being caused by toxic chemicals I had been unknowingly using daily. Side effects of my medications, using everyday household cleaners, my shampoo, conditioner and deodorant, even my makeup! That’s when I started my journey to get back to a more old fashioned way of living. Why? Because I had to know what I was putting in and on my body. I was shocked at all the toxic chemical laden products I had been using daily. 

I started making natural lotions and soaps with success. I began studying herbs, weeds, plants and trees for their health benefits. And proceeded to make salves, balms, syrups and tinctures that helped support my body and lessen my pain. I can now cleanse my body and clean my home without using toxic chemicals. I was blessed to have a great appreciation for the knowledge, recipes and skills our elders passed down. It is a part of our heritage, and a legacy we should pass down in our own family’s. Our ancestors knew how to use the plants that God has provided us to thrive, heal and survive. I truly wish I had paid more attention and asked more questions when I spent my summers in Oklahoma with my grandparents. 

When I found a recipe for Dandelion salve that worked for my arthritis, I was ecstatic! Soon after I learned about the healing properties of comfrey, elderberries, mullein, marshmallow root and so many more. Nowadays, I can do most anything I want (like gardening, canning and cooking all day) with little to no pain by using my homemade medicinals. I have actually even had days when I realized I didn’t have to take any painkillers all day!

Are you interested in learning more? I love sharing all I’ve learned in regards to how our grandparents made their own medicinals from herbs and weeds, canning and food preservation.  Contact me and I’ll add you to my education group. See you over there.

#debssweetcountryhome #oldfashionedwithapurpose 

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