Remember I said I hate ads??? Well........

Hey Y'all,

Remember when I told you how much it irritates me when I'm trying to read a blog post, but the ads popping up keep getting in the way?  Well....I think I found a kinda-sorta of a solution.  

A few bloggers I admire shared with me, that they lump all the things that they recommend (and are able to share an affiliate link to earn a small commission) into a page on their websites.  So, I'm giving it a try!

If you click on the heading of My Favorite Things in the menu it will show you several categories that I chose to share with y'all. If you purchase something that's awesome! Thank you very much and if not, no worries it's no biggie.

Go check out a few of My Favorite Things,

Carpal Tunnel Relief

Carpal Tunnel Relief
Hey Y’all,
Are you suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome? If you said yes you might want to give this oil try. I have found relief by using it consistently. When I don’t remember to use it, because I’m not in pain, I’ve noticed the pain will start screaming at me again. I apply the oil several times a day. 

Since this oil is put into a 10ml rollerball bottle it’s easy to carry with you. I make up several and keep one by the computer, one in my purse, one by the kitchen sink and one on bedside table. It helps me remember to use it by seeing the bottles around everywhere. 

Here’s the recipe, I hope it helps you too. 

Carpal Tunnel Relief Oil
Recipe is from Heidi Villegas
You’ll need 
10ml Rollerball bottle 
15ml Empty EO bottle
Black Pepper EO
Copaiba EO
Peppermint EO
Ginger EO
Clove EO 
German Chamomile EO
Melissa EO
St Johns Wort Infused Oil 

First make up a stock blend bottle for the essential oils. Using a clean empty 15ml essential oil bottle. Add to bottle
10 drops Black Pepper EO 
10 drops Copaiba EO 
10 drops Peppermint EO 
15 drops Ginger EO 
5 drops Clove EO 
10 drops German Chamomile EO 
5 drops Melissa EO
Shake this blend very well, take a full minute to let it all blend. 

In your 10ml rollerball bottle add 20 drops of the stock blend. Top off the bottle with your St Johns Wort Infused Oil, it is acting as your carrier oil in this recipe. 

Purposely Old-Fashioned,

Blog post ads drive me crazy!

My Favorite Things

Hey Y’all,
Full Disclosure here-I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying to shove stuff down your throat. If I share a deal I find and you want or need it that’s great AND if you’re not interested that’s fine too, it’s no big deal. This is just a way for me to make a few pennies here and there without having to put ads up everywhere. I don’t know about you, but it irritates me to no end when I can barely read a blog post for all the ads.

I’m now a approved Amazon affiliate. As I find super deals on My Favorite things, I’ll be able to share them with you. The FCC demands that as a Amazon affiliate, I must disclose to you that if you choose to use my link to purchase something I am recommending, Amazon may pay me a small commission. This does not change the cost you pay at all.

Last night I shared my link for that great deal on canning salt. I hope you got in on it-36 pounds of salt for $15 and change 🤯 

I’m off to find more amazing deals for you. What are you needing? Feel free to comment below, I’m off to check out containers and bottles for my medicinals now. Oh and canning jars and lids!!

Talk to ya later,

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Super deal on canning salt

Hey y’all,
I found this great buy on canning salt. Check it out! Full disclosure I am a affiliate so I might make a few pennie’s if you purchase it doesn’t change your cost at all.

Facebook warning and why I do what I do

Facebook warning and why I do what I do
So I shared a post on Facebook that listed food distribution centers and processing centers that have had some type of shut down happen to them. Whelp that got me a warning from the “fact checkers” that I’ll be put in Facebook jail if I keep it up. What?!? 
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